Ending the ´´Frozen´´ Nightmare

We all know the tale of Disney's 2013 movie, ''Frozen''. Why, It became the highest grossing animated film of all time. It also contained a soundtrack of songs, that were critically acclaimed all over the world! Many shipped Elsa the Snow Queen with Jack Frost, since they both had similar traits (snow abilites, being outcast-likes, and many others.) So many parodies, fan fiction, fan art, merchandice, the list goes on. However, a young boy, with the powers of a great mage and the stealth of a thief and assassin, was tired of people prasing the two sisters, Elsa and Anna. Everywhere the boy went, people would constantly sing the annoying songs the two wenches sang. He would find pictures of them everywhere he went. They weren't even that talented, and didn't even diserve the publicity they got! (Why they were even worse they Milira Cylek, and the Jorgan Brothers: Nikolai, Jorck, and Klimmek!) People praised the sisters so much that the boy snapped! He knew that the only way to end the problem, was to "eliminate" the source...
One night, in the city of Arrendale, it was a quiet as could be. All the citizens of the city were inside their homes getting ready for bed. The boy snuck into Arrendale, and used his invisiblity magic and stealthy abilities, to bypass the patroling guards. He made his way to the palace where Queen Elsa, and Princess Anna lived. After doing some careful navigating, the boy found the bedrooms of the young, royal, girls. "Why, these wenches aren't beautiful at all," the boy whispered to himself. "They're ugly! I have no idea how anyone can find these ugly whores attractive!" The boy prepared to cast his spells that would pass out the queen and the princess. The royal girls then mumbled part of the lyrics in their songs.
(Anna: "Do you want to build a snowman?" Elsa: "The cold never bothered me anyway!")
The boy both, cringed, and clenched his fist in anger! He then had to remind himself that he needed to get the sluts out of here FIRST, then he could punish them for the hell they put him, and probably other people, through. He casted a spell on the girls, to knock them out long enough to get them back to his torture chamber. The boy then remembered that the Queen had snow powers, so he casted another spell on her, so that her powers would be disabled. He pulled out a double sized body bag and stuffed the wenches into it. Though it was rather heavy, the boy was able to carry the large bag. The boy then used more of his magic to make him invisible. However, a small, living, snowman named Olaf, noticed a mysterious figure, which was the boy, and tailed it to his hideout. "Oh dear, the things I'm going to do to you two bitches for making me suffer," said the boy.
The boy then arrived at his secret, remote, underground chamber. He locked the big, heavy, metal door, so only he could enter and exit. He took Anna out of the bag, put her in a medium cell, and cuffed her wrists and ankles to the bars, to restrain her. The boy then grabbed Elsa, put her into a four-piece shackle set and put the Snow Queen's ankles, wrists, legs, and arms into the shackles, then made sure they were secure enough. The boy then sat on a little stool, and waited for the girls to come to.
The spell wore off, and Elsa and Anna had awakend. They noticed the environment they were in, and began to worry.
Anna: "Elsa! Where are we?!"
Elsa: "I don't know, Anna. I swear I didn't do this! I know I've done some bad things, but I didn't do this!"
"Ah! You're both finally conscious!"
The boy came into the vision of both the royal sisters.
Elsa: "Who are you?! And what have you done to us?!"
Boy: "All I did was knock you out in your sleep with my mage powers and brought you both here."
Anna: "Well, you better release us immediatly! Do you know who we are?!"
Boy: "Since 


 knows who you both are, I obviously know who you wenches are!"
Elsa: "What did you just say?!"
Elsa attemped to use her snow powers, but they did work, due to the spell that the boy used.
Boy: "Hahahaha! You can use your snow powers as much as you want, but they'll never work, because I disabled them using one of my spells! Don't worry. They'll come back, but long after you die!"
The boy began to laugh in an evil fasion. Elsa and Anna looked shocked and scared at the boy.
Anna: "Why have you done this to use?! Why have you kidnapped us and restrained us in this chamber?!"
Boy: "Why? Why? Why you ask? Because you two whores have made me, and other people, suffer for a long time now. With your popularity, your singing, all of that annoying, stupid, dumb, stuff! And to show you both how much pain and anger you've caused me, along with probably other people, I'm going to torture you both to


Elsa and Anna were even more frightened.
Elsa: "Look we're sorry! Please forgive us!"
Boy: "I can forgive anyone, but not you two. After the hell you've spawned, the anger you've caused me, it's best that you both die, so we never have to go through something like this again!"
Both the sisters' eyes and mouthes widened in scaredness.
The boy grabbed a case full of objects used for sexual gradification. He entered the cell Anna was in, and put the case next to the bedroll in the cell. He then grabbed his dagger that he kept on him. He held the dagger up against Anna's throat.
Boy: "Here's what I'm gonna do: I'm gonna uncuff your wrists, and you're gonna take your clothes off."
Anna: (gasps) "No! I-I-I won't do that! Y-y-y-you can't make me!"
Boy: "Then I'll cut off your clothes with my dagger, and smother you to death with them!"
Elsa: (tearful and angry) "You leave my little sister alone!!!"
The boy turned to Elsa
Boy: "You'll get yours soon, snow bitch! You just gotta be patient and wait for your turn!"
The boy uncuffed Anna's wrists, and she began to take off her clothes. After she was done, she was completely naked, exposing her breasts, vagina, and ass. He then put the cuffs back on Anna, and made her lay on top of the bedroll in the cell. The boy then took off his pants and undergarments.
Boy: (looking over at Elsa) "Hey Elsa! We're gonna put on a little 'show' for ya!"
The boy then, spread Anna's legs apart, and began to fuck her extremely hard. His penis went as far up inside her vagina, since it was both big and long. Anna was very uncomfortable, and she screamed and weeped in pain and uncomfortness.
Anna: (crying and screaming) "


Elsa tried not to watch. but it was so horrible and scary. Tears began flowing out of her eyes, down her face, and dripped onto the dirty floor.
Elsa: "


Boy: "Shut up and wait for your turn!"
The boy then took his penis out of Anna's vagina and stuck it in her mouth. While doing this he stuck his fingers far up in Anna's vagina, and wiggled them as fast and hard as he could. Anna cried extreamly hard and attemped to move but couldn't do the tightness of her shackles. The boy then came inside Anna's mouth and on her face. He then forced Anna to get up onto her hands and knees. The boy went over to the case and grabbed three things: an object with a 

''foul ''

taste to it, a gagging rag, and a long, wooden object shaped like penis.
Boy: "Open your mouth."
Anna: (softly speaking) "''Please... no more...''"
Boy: "Open your mouth, or I'm gonna knock out your teeth!"
Anna obeyed the boy. He placed the object into her mouth. He then tied the gaging rag around her mouth, so she couldn't spit the object out. He than inserted a the wooden object into her anus, and kept shoving it in and out of her anus. He then stuck his penis back in his vagina and fucked it some more. She tried to scream, but the gaging rag just made her screaming sound muffled. Elsa began to cry like a little, stupid pathetic baby.
Boy: (Looking over at Elsa) "You think 

THIS is bad? I'm gonna do WORSE things to YOU

, Elsa!"
Eventually, after tiring and boring himself out with fucking Anna, the boy pulled his pants back on, and left Anna the way she was. Anna clapsed into the fetal postion looking over at her older sister, who was also cuffed to a wall. The boy went over to Elsa and looked at her
Boy: "Look at me."
Elsa kept crying. The boy then slapped Elsa hard across the face.
Boy: "


Elsa obeyed the boy. She looked him straight in the eyes.
Boy: "You think Anna had it bad? Please, that was nothing compared to what I'm going to do to you!"
Elsa: "What ''are ''you going to do to me?!"
Boy: "Oh, you'll see."
The boy went over to a table near Elsa, which had a variety of tools and torture devices. The boy grabbed a medium sized bucket and an old, rusty, but sharp axe, and went back over to Elsa. He placed the bucket next to Elsa and prepared to aim for Elsa's left forearm.
Elsa: "''No... no... 


The boy began hacking at Elsa's forearm, until it was chopped off and lying on the ground with blood coming out of it. Elsa screamed loudly in great pain and agony. Blood had splatterd on the ground, and was now dripping out of the exposed arm. The boy picked up the severed limb and put it in the bucket. While Anna was still weak, she was still scared from what she had just seen.
Boy: "


The boy then hacked off Elsa's right shin with the axe and put in the bucket. He put the axe back on the table and grabbed some extractors.
Boy: "Open wide!"
Elsa refused to do so, so the boy took out his dagger and began to cut her left ear off, as slowly and painfully as possible. Elsa screamed in such great agony, it hurt the boy's ears. Blood trickled down the side of Elsa's head and began dripping onto the floor.  He then tossed the ear into the bucket.
Boy: "Are you gonna open your mouth now?!!"
Elsa, hearing with her good ear, nodded. She opened her mouth as wide as she could. The boy the used the extractors, and yanked out 7 of Elsa's teeth. 4 of them still had bits of her gums on them. During the process, she began to cry heavilly, due to how much pain she was going through. One by one, the boy tossed the teeth into the bucket.
He then attached a nail in the middle of the extractor. The boy held Elsa's right eyelids open, and 


 the extractors into her eye socket. The nail punctured her eye, blinding her in the right. The boy then tore the eye out of it's socket, slashed the optic nerve, to get it out of the body completely, threw it onto the ground, and stomped it into the dirty floor, until it was nothing more than a mess of blood and muscle. He then put the smushed eye into the bucket. The boy grabbed Elsa's braided ponytail, pulled as hard as he could on it, then punched Elsa in the face. Her head hit the wall so badly, if left a spatter of blood on it. The boy then used his dagger to cut off Elsa's ponytail. He then put it into the bucket. While this all happened, Anna was completely shocked, scared and traumatized. Lastly, the boy used his dagger to cut deep into Elsa's upper abdomine, horizontally. He then made a small incision in the middle, vertically. After doing this, the hole had revealed Elsa's intestines.
Boy: "Well, I suppose I should treat the open wounds."
The boy grabbed a bag of salt, and put them into the open wounds of Elsa's injuries. Elsa screamed in even more pain. He then sticks his hand inside Elsa's mouth, sends it down her esophagus, and reaches her vocal cords. He grabs them, yanks them out, and puts them into the bucket.
The boy went to the middle of the chamber, between Elsa and Anna, and spoke to both of them.
Boy: "I suppose you both know the hell you've been putting me through now, right? "
Anna and Elsa nodded.
Boy: "Well too bad, because I'm leaving you both to die and rot in here! I can't release you, because if I did, you'd rat me out, and send me to jail! Goodbye forever, you worthless wastes of life!"
The boy opened the door, to find Olaf the Snowman.
Olaf: "You'd better let Elsa and Anna go, or I'll fight you!"
The boy looked at Olaf with a pathetic glare. He created a giant fireball, and burned Olaf to death. No remians of him existed after he was hit by the fireball.
The boy left the chamber, locked the door, and exited. After the "disappearence" of Queen Elsa and Princess Anna, Arrendale sent out search parties to find them, but they were never found. After that, the town went into sorrow, for without a king/queen, there was no one that could maintain their city. They had also stopped worshiping the sisters, seeing as how it had just made them extreamly unhappy, and brought up previous memories. Eventually, everyone left Arrendale, and it was left abandoned to this very day, in ruins. When the boy was much older, he traveled to the chamber where he had tortured and left the royal sisters to die. He opened the locked door, and looked inside. There he saw the dead, decayed corpses of Elsa and Anna. He saw the naked Anna with the gag still around her mouth. He saw the mutilated Elsa, with her severed body parts in the bucket.
Boy: "You know what the strange thing is? I do NOT regret doing this AT ALL. Those bitches got their punishment."
The boy left the chamber for the last time, he went back to his home, and lived until he died of natural causes at an old age.
Some say he was an evil monster, others say he was a hero...